Sunday, December 29, 2019

Gender Pending: Methodology

A range of quotes and pictures are flyered across the entire campus. They include responses to gender-hate, gender-victimization, gender norms, and just plain gender.

We took pictures of 8 Mudd students in their natural gender expression at a location of their choice. They all submitted a quote as well critiquing gender norms or talking about gender identity.
We formatted the quote across their picture, printed it black and white onto a tabloid/newsprint sized paper, and then put copies of it up around campus.

All had a link to this blog, which hosts a digital copy of every poster we put up. By scrolling through, you will be able to experience quotes and visuals, develop ideas. We invite you to comment on posters, whether you liked or disliked them, what you thought of them, what they made you think.


  1. I don't know if you care about the names of the people in the posters being public, but you can identify them based on the filename. (eg. "Elly+Poster+1.jpg").

  2. Noted, the title of each post contains their names too though, so as you can see we had not intended to keep these people anonymous.
